
  近年來本所積極與國際學術機構簽署合作計畫,包括北京清華大學法學院、The IPR University Center of the University of Helsinki、The Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law、The Law School of University of Wisconsin-Madison等,建立雙向交換學生機制,並規劃雙聯學位及共同培養碩士生事宜,相互承認學分,擬透過師生學術交流之方式,提昇彼此之教學研究能量,促進本所師生之國際學習機會。


The ILST puts equal stress on the importance of academic research and professional training. We provide interdisciplinary courses such as Intellectual property law, Info-communications law, Biotechnology (Biomedicine) law, International & Comparative law and Environmental & Energy law courses. In terms of the teaching quality and research enthusiasm, both proves to meet the demands of the five teaching areas. ILST also provides the needed service energy to NTHU faculty research resources and Research and Development Technology Transfer Center. In other words, in addition to producing excellent quality teaching and research, ILST also actively assists the management or negotiation of intellectual property rights between the local manufactures and research institutions. Through the interchange of academic and hands-on legal practice, ILST substantively connects the development and demand of technology services.

In recent years, ILST established several collaboration plans with internationally known academic institution, including Tsinghua University Law School, Beijing, the IPR University Center of the University of Helsinki, the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, the Law School of University of Wisconsin-Madison. The plans build up student-exchange systems and admission of course credits. With these international exchange opportunities, our students may enhance their academic research capability and elevate learning experience.

Furthermore, ILST further promotes the inter-school integration programs hosted by our professors, one such example is the National research program for genomic medicine. It allows our faculty and students to cooperation with outside researchers and academic communities when participating in large-scale academic programs. It will supplement some of the disadvantages ILST might encounter due to its limited size. ILST also regularly hold significant seminars such as Info-communications seminar, Biotechnology seminar and International Conference on Intellectual Property. We believe it is a good way to enhance the visibility of our research results and exert our influence to related areas. Both the quality and quantity of our research programs have been substantial.